Adoption Contract


Terms and Conditions:

(1) Spay/Neuter. California law mandates spay/neuter of all dogs in shelters and rescue. This dog is a “Foster” until the spay/neuter of this dog. Failure to have this dog spayed/neutered by will result in the forfeiture of this contract, and the dog shall be returned to rescue. Furthermore, should the adopter miss the appointment arranged by the Rescue, the adopter forfeits the privilege of having the spay/neuter arranged and paid for by the Kern Project and must use their own veterinarian at their own expense.

(2) Proper Care. I agree to care for this dog humanely, including providing adequate food, water, shelter, love, exercise, and attention. This dog shall be maintained in a safe, enclosed area or on leash at all times, and shall wear adequate identification tags. I agree to have this dog vaccinated annually, and to provide proper veterinary care. If this dog becomes lost or stolen, I agree to notify the Kern Project immediately

(3) Health. I understand that to the best of the Kern Project knowledge, this dog is in good health (unless issues are specified). If health problems arise, I agree not to hold the Kern Project liable for any additional medical bills my dog may incur. I agree to immediately notify the Kern Project if I notice any health problems during the two-week trial.

(4) Behavior. I understand that although every effort has been made to evaluate the temperament of my dog, it is impossible to assess each dog in every situation that may arise. I understand that dogs may act dramatically different under stressful or new circumstances (e.g., storm, fireworks, other aggressive dogs, strangers, loud noises). I understand that no dog is 100% predictable, and no dog should ever be left alone with a young child.

(5) Sale/Transfer. I agree that this dog shall not be used for medical or any other experimental purposes or sold or given to a pet store, supplier, or wholesaler. If at any time I am unable to care for this dog, I agree to return this dog to the Kern Project.

(6)No Fighting. I agree that this dog will not be used for any illegal purposes and will NEVER be pitted or game tested in any way. If this clause is broken, I understand that the dog will be immediately confiscated by the Kern Project, and all law enforcement agencies will be notified.

(7) Inquiries. the Kern Project may examine and make inquiries about this dog at any time. If not satisfied with the condition of the dog or how it is kept, I agree that my dog can be removed and re-homed.

(8) Waiver of Liability. I agree to be solely responsible for this dog. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Kern Project from any and all claims of liability for the conduct of this dog on or after the date of this adoption. This Release of Liability and Indemnification shall apply to any and all damages resulting from my adoption, ownership, or control of this dog.

(9) Adoption Fee. $ . (Payable to the Kern Project) This fee is refundable within the first two weeks. Adjustments will be made if this dog is returned in poor condition.